Latest news: Epic X is coming up?


This post is also available in Français

It just fell in the news of Korean Rappelz, Epic X would start to make its appearance!

It starts with the appearance of a new Raid named 켈프 공성 (In French phonetically: Siège de Varech or Kelp). The particularity of this Raid is that it is accessible exclusively in the Guild!

The time

Participants have a reservation range between 8:00 am and 10:00 am (10:00 pm?). The Raid is then “booked” until 00:00 and is only available on Week-Ends! This Raid would therefore operate under a system of “leases” limited daily.

The location

Access to the Raid is northwest of Rondo where there is a teleporter NPC.

Only the Guild Master can make a reservation via an NPC located next to Rondo’s central fountain. A bulletin board is therefore located next to this NPC to keep track of the available hours.

The registration process

The request is therefore exclusively to be made by the MG to the responsible NPC. The price varies according to the day of registration. The request is paid for with guild points!

“Lucia’s shop?”

Quests are available within the Raid to buy items from an NPC named Lucia.

These items are:

A change of guild name (!)
An item that cannot be translated at the moment
An exclusive cape
A gold medal
A silver medal
A bronze medal

We don’t have any more details on these medals.

The steps

The Raid lasts 1 hour and is a failure if it is not completed within the time limit.

The steps are:

  • The entrance to the magic door
  • Kellogg’s entry (phonetically)
  • The final door of the magic corner
  • The door of Kelp Castle
  • Kelp’s final boss

Here is the map of this Raid


That’s all for this first update!

It is obvious that at the slightest new information, we will publish a new “flash” 🙂

Each information in this article is taken from a Korean -> French translation. Misinterpretations may therefore be present.

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