Game Connection 2019: We tell you all about the pro gaming show!
This post is also available in Français
Like last year, we had the honour of participate at the Game Connection 2019 and exchanging with developers, graphic designers, game designers and publishers from all over the world, which led us to exchange on some occasions in English!
But don’t worry, we’ve translated everything for you!
Our favorite
As every year, many actors participated in the event. Among them were companies that stood out from the crowd.
One that has been of great interest to us is called CAER SIDI. It is a company that manufactures figurines and other objects for their games and partner games (notably World of Tanks). These objects have NFC technology that allows users to access relative stats with the game in question.
One of the NFC figurines manufactured by CAER SIDI
CAER SIDI also has its own ecosystem that unites physical and digital content.
The indies development awards
One of the brand new events for us is the Indies Development Awards 2019 (we miss the conference every year, due to the timing).
This event is an awards ceremony for independent game developers organized by Game Connection.
The big winners of these awards: The developers of A Juggler’s Tale.
And the big winners of this ceremony were the developers of the game A Juggler’s Tale who won nearly 6 awards:
- Best PC Game
- Best casual game
- Best Art Design
- Best Story / Storyboard
- Best Coming Game
- Grand Prize
The conferences allow to exchange directly around interesting topics with the speakers around various subjects.
The conference we attended was called Self publishing you game in 2019 – what are the opportunities and challenge?
This conference answered the questions that developers may have had after they have finished creating their games. And even for an amateur, the speakers were very clear and very willing to discuss the subject!
The conferences are separated between several dedicated rooms
The party! Party! Party!
At each Game Connection event, an evening is organized to continue the exchange in a more relaxed atmosphere. This year, the evening was particularly fabulous because it took place on a barge at the foot of the Eiffel Tower and all in a crazy atmosphere please!
The evening took place on a barge crossing Paris! The interior of the barge
Special thanks
Once again, this Game Connection was remembered as a really great event.
All the History of Rappelz team would like to thank the organization of the Game Connection and especially Arnaud who remained at our disposal in case of need and who allowed us to live this adventure again this year.
We also thank AppsFlyer who was one of the great sponsors of this Game Connection and who invited us to this memorable evening!
Arnaud in the center in the background, Holyblood in the foreground and Pokégaia on his right.