Kizeha’s chronicle: Rappelz, it was better before?


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Hello, good evening, adventurers of the lands of Gaia!

It is now 11 years since our favorite Dark Fantasy MMORPG was created, with 8 years of publishing on the side of Europe (hi gPotato!). During all these years, Rappelz has evolved enormously, as much in terms of gameplay, with all the additions in play, as in terms of editing, with the opening and merging of servers. It is possible that you, dear readers, did not even know the beginnings of this game in Europ (R.I.P. in pepperoni gPotato!) ! Thus, during the interminable evenings of [insert season of your choice]You’ve got to squander all kinds of consumables on the Horizon bridge because you can not do anything else anyway, your eyes may have settled on a pearl of this kind:

[Cerebrally Limited]: « Lol Rappelz it wz BetA b4 w chEp NRG savers we played w panthers plz & 2day we hav pets HL plz rotfl »

You will make an appointment at the ophthalmo now?

What a surprise ! After 8 years, there are still people who can not write! More seriously, it is a testimony, though of poor quality, of the evolution of Rappelz. Here, on HOR, you see scrolling historical articles (obviously …). But there has not yet been an article dealing with the history of Rappelz in a subjective way! And if you still do not understand, this is what I intend to do here: tell what marked me when I arrived on Rappelz!
There really were some who had not got it ?!

I launched the game for the first time at the very end of the Epic IV, ie in 2008!

  • For starters, what better way to talk about Apprentice Island? Huh? The creation of the characters? Let me make my article quiet!
    Yes, I was saying, Apprentice Island, the place where everyone starts, the birthplace of each of your rerolls. And this place is not like before! Indeed, the place of appearance of the characters is now much more elaborate than it was when I started the game. Moreover, the City of the Apprentices has been widely revisited. I still remember having to put on my harness and hang my screw carabiner to climb up a hill to talk to the Authier Teleporter. Speaking of hill, the Hill to the Perfume of Sea has also been modified. The whole dark area to the north of the island was once a peaceful green clearing populated with chickens that we massacre shamelessly! Ah, and do not think of seeing Cubs: it did not exist! Finally, the Navis Lamia was also absent from the landscape. It will be necessary to wait until the Epic VI so that this bad replica of the Titanic comes in game.
    The island of apprentices was also the place to take good control of the systems of the game. Including the system of “chips”, at the different time. If you are an observer, you may have seen, lost between two lines of the options window, this message:/li>


  • “Force” chips ? Is not it “Lunar”? Well no ! At the time, there were plenty of types of fragments! There were 3 classes: Strength chip, Spirit and Moon, reducing respectively physical defense, magic defense, and both. In addition, you had these three types for each rank. Thus, you had to choose your rank, and the most appropriate type of chip.
    force_chip_r2soul_chip_r2moon_chip_r2Now that you know how to choose your chips, and you know how to double click on a mob, go! Kill them all !
  • If you had survived the Anatema of the Mountains, on which we generally cracked an EE (Energy Saver) to gain experience, you had the honor to leave this little piece of land to join the Continent! Laksy, Katan, and especially Horizon! And not Rondo. Have you seen the price of teleportation ?! Sick! The big cities of Rappelz were overcrowded at the time, and the atmosphere was very different. Indeed, you should know that the Grand Bazaar did not exist, and that you could stumble on shops absolutely everywhere, whether in front of the lak merchant, the banker or even the teleporter (especially the teleporter!), Cities Were invaded! Sometimes there were some corpses of audacious people who wanted to open a shop outside the city, but that is something else. Oh, and you know where you could find the greatest concentration of itinerant scammers? In Sale Hotels, of course! No … No, not the NPC. Building. Yes, the building! There was a time when the auctioneers were picking it up in the great towers, places of rendezvous for all the merchants. Today, there are remnants of these towers: the training camps. In short: HDVs were filled with shops and people who absolutely wanted to find a “non-basic pet”.
  • Transition ready made, pets! Forget your Raa DPS CaC 10/80 Relic tyrant instinct warrior all that stuff! An angel ? You could dream! Be content with your good old untapped panther of lower level than yours. If you had contacts or a blue card, you could get one of level 58 + 4 (bad OB please!). And if you knew Bill Gates, it is likely that you have accumulated the phenomenal 20 million to buy you a blue tamed fairy. And yeah, the “nonbasic” pets, it was still the class!
  • And for those who did not know Mrs. Bettencourt, you still had a solution to find the rare pearl: farm. Indeed, the drop system was different at the time, and to get you the desired pet card, you had to farm the creature in question! For example, I, as an absolute optimist, I farmed angels! All the time ! Up to level 50! 50 !!! And I’ve never had … Obviously. So I fell on the red fairies of Laksy, you know, those little fireflies of level 40 all cute all choupinoupinettes! Well after hours fighting, killing them, torturing them – in short, doing a genocide – I was lucky enough to drop an Empty Red Fairy Card. Finally, a real card!This is not a stupid guy who made a bad joke in the world channel, yes! But, as you know, at this point, nothing is gained. We must still be able to tame the beast. And that was the course of the fighter! Only pets classes had the power to tame at level 10, and cartage was often guarantee of success. So, be courageous, get yourself the official list of pros tamers available on the gPotato website, and send private messages to everyone! Hopefully, an honest man will answer your call for help. He would join you at the scene of the crime, you had to give him your hard-won card, hoping he would not steal it from you, and he tried to tamper with it. And, if it succeeded, it was common to give a little something to the pro tamer (count 1 to 5 million). A real journey of the combatant.
  • Well, now that you have your creature, you can finally begin to level up properly. No DP in Moon will be denied you, the Fast Abhuva spot! Do not forget to bring your bag of luna chips to the puller or the tank.
    At the end of 56 months, you finally rank 3! It’s time to head to LM.2! Yes, 2, because LM 1 is far away in the mines, and it’s super dangerous. Have you ever tried to confront Craniata on the back of Ornitho from the seaside with a level 44 siren? Already for Siffleur Bleu and Tortuzilla, it’s hard, then for a monster of rank 3 … I digress. So here you are at LM.2, and your group decides to go to the Babirusas spot. The DPS is great, and you kill the monsters in less than 15 seconds! Why not try Primal Scream? Forget immediately. It was only the most powerful of this pitiless game. The kind of sombre ghostly placemat was just a mouthful of you (exactly like when you eat a peanut or a cheeseburger). So, without boss or satisfying DPS, how to gain experience? It is very simple, it was enough to make quests, something that one does not make today. By the way, in the past, these big dots of ultra red exclamations cramming the retina were actually small suns all kawai desu! It was totally not intuitive. For the poor, there were quests that you see everywhere and that you have always denigrated. For the rich, there was the repeatable quest of the hidden village! The best way to gain experience, more profitable than the famous Crystal Valley, is simpler than learning the portals on the Palmir Tray. If you could kill the monsters in the Wolha cemetery, it was good! It was repetitive, but we were moving quickly. Thus, you arrive at level 70, then rank 4. Between some “search non-basic pet”, “GG” were launched.
    Continue, and you will reach the high spheres of Rappelz. In the stratosphere of Rappelz! And from there, you have to forget the quests. You only have one way to gain experience: make a WP. And here, it is you, the new ones:

[You] : « But what is a WP? It’s DP we say! »

  • You’re not like that, reassure me! I tease you! So WP is the acronym for Wolf Party. Beyond level 110, the only creatures worthy of interest were the wolves of the Lost Island (which, I recall, was 4 times smaller than today). So the WP was class, although I did not do any because I was too busy to farmer the red fairies … Yeah, I decided to talk about something I never did do. So this is no longer too subjective. But this is my article, I do what I want!
    In short, after the WP, you were good to be the only guy to hang out in the Dragon’s den, you had the boss for you because there were no people who made quests … It was happiness ( Or hell, it depends on how you see the thing with a stuff NE +4)
  • That’s it. You are R7. LIAR is unfeasible! Well, if you were R7 at that time, already, you have all my respect! And then, you might be that kind of guy in full stuff Dragon White NE to wander to the Apprentice Island, just to crank. Frankly, this whole journey for that. You’re deceiving me guys. You have changed.

Here, I have a little tour of Horizon (LOL ROFL XD)! Well, it’s a little classico-classical, but I wanted to share some of my experience on the “old Rappelz”. would like to conclude on one thing: I did not write this article for “IT WS B8ER”, just to tell you a little story about the game. Know that if I had found Rappelz “better before”, I would not have written this article. On the contrary, I find that the game has greatly improved since these “obscure” times (R.I.P. in pizza Dragonic Age). Today, we have a very developed system of creatures, stuffs galore, a little challenge, PvP, and above all, especially the great one: only 1 type of luna chip !! … In short, GalaLab made The good taff ‘!
On this, thank you for reading, and I wish you a good evening, and good game! 🙂

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