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Released in France on September 03, 2014


Rappelz Epic 9.1: Mascarade was released on September 3, 2014. This Epic was released on April 25, 2014 on the KTS after an announcement on March 11, 2014, and brought some new features on several points.

First, let’s talk about the new dungeon: Circus. This dungeon is small enough, and narrow enough, so imagine with the camera.

  • This Epic has also brought a new area into the Dark Forest: if you cross a portal you have access to a second forest, with tigers and lydians.
  • Several new monsters have appeared, including Harlequins and clowns.
  • Most of the new monsters are tamable.
  • A rebalancing of the classes has taken place.
  • The awakenings are all positive.
  • Increasing the maximum level to 180 and the CLv to 60 for the master class.

The most important point of this Epic is the arrival of new weapons, which have a new system of improvement.

Find the official release note here:

Here are some videos from Epic 9.1, before we leave each other.

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